3 Reasons to Take Music Classes With Your Child

Did you learn to sing or play an instrument as a child? Maybe the lessons didn’t quite take. Or, maybe you reached a high level of performance. Either way, you will be welcomed to your child’s group lessons in a Harmony Road Music course.
Parents are an essential part of our method. We can’t succeed without them. Moms, dads or caregivers attend class with a child. The adults actively participate in the musical and creative exercises. When you sign your child up for lessons, you’ll get an education yourself.
Some parents aren’t so sure they want to attend class. They’re more accustomed to the idea of dropping off a child while they run errands or sit on the sidelines.
If that’s how you feel, don’t worry. We think you’ll love partnering with your child in her musical adventures. If you need convincing, consider these 3 reasons to take music classes with your child.
You’ll Become a Musician
We use solfege singing to teach musicianship and ear training. This method is delightfully natural, easy and accessible.
Solfege uses the syllables of do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do to learn about pitch, harmony and ear-training. There are no scales to memorize. Young children quickly pick up on this way of learning. Adults, too, find learning solfege enjoyable.
As your child’s mastery increases, you’ll be right there, learning with her. If your childhood music lessons taught by rote, you may have gaps in your musicianship.
In our classes, you’ll learn to sight read, compose and transpose. In small, manageable steps, you’ll progress along with your child to become a well-rounded musician.
Collaboration Boosts Creativity
Have you ever noticed how bouncing ideas off another person inspires creativity? The same holds true with musical notions and interaction.
One of our core tenets is that group lessons enhance learning. All of our courses are group classes. Parents, children and teachers interact during classes.
Because you’ll be participating in class, you’ll gain musical skills and confidence. Using your new-found talent, you and your child will continue to explore at home. Practicing solo can be lonely. But when you play with a partner, everything feels more fun.
In group lessons, each person brings something different to the process. Kids and parents learn from one another. The improvisational nature of the lessons can spur great creativity.
You Will Make Friends
Parents and children make friends during our classes. With all the shared activity, enjoyment and laughter, bonds are naturally formed.
You and your kids may want to get together with class members outside of lessons. No one can have too many friends, but it’s not easy to find the time or common ground to nurture relationships. Music can ease the way.
Much like a sports team, music groups build teamwork and social skills. The friendships you make could last for years as classes progress in the Harmony Road Curriculum. Toddlers who were singing and clapping together may become preteens playing in a keyboard ensemble.
To learn more about our classes and curriculum, please contact us.