Tips for Teaching Toddlers Music

It’s never too early to start teaching kids about music. Babies learn just by listening, but by the time children are a couple of years old, they can attend classes. Learning at this age is based on fun activities. Whether you’re a parent or music instructor, here’s what you should know about teaching music to kids under the age of 3.
Young children learn by watching, listening and participating. Kids shouldn’t be pressured. Toddlers learn best when they progress at their own pace. Here are some ways to get young kids involved in making music.
Tips for Teaching Toddlers Music
Parent/Toddler Classes: Early childhood music courses usually require children and parents to attend classes together. The Harmony Road Music Course offers group classes designed for kids ages 18 months to 3 years. These classes are fun, incorporating singing, movement and finger play. Students explore rhythm, melody and keyboard skills. Parents and children continue the fun at home, singing and playing the songs they learned in class.
Sing Together: When children see parents or other family members singing, they often join in. In group settings, toddlers may be shy. That’s OK. Kids can be drawn in with the use of toys such as balls and hoops. The chance to use a simple musical instrument will sometimes encourage a child to make music. Shy students gain confidence as they move and make music with others in group classes.
Solfege: The Harmony Road Course curriculum uses solfege singing for ear training and to develop musicality. Solfege uses syllables rather than words. Kids focus on tones and rhythms. The syllables used in solfege are easy to pronounce and remember. One-syllable sounds keep the emphasis on music rather than words. Early lessons set the stage for more structured lessons centered on solfege singing.
Movement: Toddlers are physically expressive. When kids are happy, frustrated or focused, you can see it in their movements and facial expressions. As they listen to music, most children hop, wave their hands or stomp their feet. With encouragement, they may twirl, clap or experiment with a musical instrument. Along with movement and dancing, teach kids songs associated with finger play or hand movements such as “Itsy Bitsy Spider.”
Explore: Expose children to different types of music, from folk songs to classical works to rap music. Keep a variety of musical instruments at home or in class and allow kids to experiment. Choose items appropriate for a toddler’s motor skills. Things such as rattles, drums, slides, whistles and keyboards are good choices.
Music Lessons for the Youngest Musicians
The Harmony Road Course curriculum features age-appropriate lesson plans. Our courses are perfect for students of every age. Contact us for more information about teaching or taking classes.