What Is the Best Age to Start Music Lessons?
Recent brain research reaffirms that early experience with music enhances all other areas of learning, A Newsweek article in 1996 first made parents aware of the “window of opportunity” for musical learning. The research then cited the years between 3-8 as the best age to start music lessons. Also research has shown that babies assimilate a feeling for pulse and react to musical sounds in the womb.
Children have musical experiences soon after birth. As you hold an infant and coo to him, your baby is hearing his first tune.
Most teachers can agree that early childhood musical experiences are effective because children’s brains are ripe for learning. Billions of neuron pathways are waiting to be developed. Through active involvement with music – these pathways or synapses absorb musical patterning that will last a lifetime. This internalization of music happens more easily with young children because they enjoy repetition and their aural capacity is at its peak.
Because parents are involved with their child in Harmony Road classes, we are able to provide valuable tips about musical involvement at home. Many parents find this helpful and enjoy sharing their musical experiences with the rest of the family.
First Classes
Harmony Road Courses start with Toddler Tunes. This course is for children ages 18 months to 3 years.
In these group classes, kids and parents sing, move, dance, clap and play. A teacher guides students in their first explorations of the keyboard. Kids this young aren’t attempting to master an instrument or improve performance. They are simply experiencing music, having fun, and storing patterning for later music activities.
Age-Appropriate Lessons
For 3 and 4 year olds we introduce children to solfege singing and keyboard playing based around movement and activity songs. The emphasis on fun and interaction continues through all our courses.
In our program, we believe music develops the whole child. Through music lessons, children’s creativity, expression, cognitive abilities and social skills are developed.
Harmony Road emphasizes musicianship with lessons that are appropriate for a student’s age. Whenever a student begins learning, he starts with lessons that develop musicianship and “inner hearing.” With a good ear, students have the ability to transpose, compose, improvise and arrange music.
Keyboard explorations are an early part of our lessons. With each year of lessons, a child gains in confidence and musical mastery. Keyboard performance improves gradually as children move through each stage of our curriculum.
Never Too Late
You can begin music lessons at any age. There’s no expiration date for learning and loving music. We teach beginners of every age, including adults. Many highly accomplished musicians began later in life. The most important trait for a student is the desire to learn.
Contact us for more information about the Harmony Road Curriculum.