Tag: group lessons

Top 7 Tips for Building an Engaging Music Curriculum

sheet music class piano

One of the teacher’s biggest challenges is keeping students engaged (especially in a group setting). Even in a music class, which has stimulation everywhere, students can drift and get occupied with other things. To solve that, you need a curriculum that hooks students and keeps them entertained, ... Read More

How Much Should You Charge for Piano Lessons?

How much should you charge for music lessons

Music teachers have the same challenges as other business people. They need to set a dollar value on their products and services. Undercharging or overcharging will have the same results: not enough income to make a living. Charge too little, and you may have a full teaching schedule, but not enough... Read More

Children Build Bonds through Music

Children build bonds through music.

Much has been made of the way music enhances a child’s intellectual development. The evidence for the brain-boosting power of music is impressive. But music's benefits don’t end there. Music, science is finding, is a potent force for building bonds. The Harmony Road Music Course curriculum de... Read More

How Group Lessons Enhance Musical Education

group lessons

Group music lessons have social and musical benefits. Children working in a group learn how to interact and support one another. They also develop musical skills quickly. Some people believe that group lessons help young musicians learn faster. How does this happen? Perhaps interacting helps chil... Read More